Monday, August 31, 2015

New Displays for September in the Ort Library

The Ort Library is pleased to present 4 new displays in the Ort Library for September. The first display, located on the 3rd floor highlights the resources that the library offers to students, faculty, and staff. The display showcases resources from reference, government documents, special collections, print magazines/journals, and books that can be checked out. This display will provide an opportunity to learn about the resources that your library offers.

The second display, also located on the 3rd floor, highlights some of the foreign language literature books that the library has in its collection. The display showcases books in French, Spanish, German, and Russian. For example, the library offers The Count of Monte Cristo in French, but also offers an English translation of the work.

The third display, located on the 4th floor, highlights four 20th Century American artists whose books are located in Special Collections. The artists are Georgia O’Keeffe, Maurice Sendak, Norman Rockwell, and Andrew Wyeth. The display also provides a short biography on each of the artists.

The fourth display, located on the 5th floor, celebrates Constitution Day (September 17th). The theme for this year’s display is Life. Liberty. Freedom. Prosperity. The display highlights how the Constitution has played a part in the United States embodying life, liberty, freedom, and prosperity.

The displays will be up through the end of September.

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