Monday, May 20, 2013

Featured Online Resource: A Google A Day

Would you like to try a fun and challenging game that also helps you improve your Google searching skills?    A Google A Day is an online puzzle that issues a new set of questions every day.

View your first question, and use Google to find the answer.  It's not always straightforward, so you may need to be creative with your searches!  If needed, you can click on "Hint" for a suggested keyword or "Clue" to get a sneak peek at part of the correct answer.  It's also helpful to click on "Tips and Tricks" to learn of special search tricks which can lead you to better results!

Successfully answering one question will unlock the next.  There is also a more competitive version of the game available on Google+ Games.  (However, note the message that Google+ Games will not be available after June 30, 2013.)

Have fun, and remember to use those same searching tricks when you're doing your own research!

Every week, the Ort Library brings you a new and outstanding resource from the Web or from one of the library's databases. To get an archive of all FOR entries, click here. Also, you can suggest a website that provides well-organized access to useful info.

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