Be sure to check out the FSU history display located on the 3rd floor of the Ort Library. The exhibit was created for the "Spanning the Centuries" program held during Parents Weekend, as part of "Passport FSU." Highlighting the exhibit are such artifacts from the past as a FSU freshman beanie (remember those?), the first Nemacolin yearbook from 1935, and a photograph taken at the Groundbreaking ceremony of Old Main, in 1898. Other items of interest include a photograph of E.D. Murdaugh, first principal of State Normal School #2 (as FSU was known at the time), and a photograph of last principal and first president, John Dunkle. The exhibit also showcases items representative of present day FSU, such as the 2009 yearbook, and in person (or in cat, as the case may be) until October 14th, Bob E. Cat. Come in and say hello to Bob!
1 hour ago