Monday, November 18, 2013

Featured Online Resource - Pew Research Center

Have you ever noticed that when watching, listening to, or reading the news about a popular topic, you often hear references to the Pew Research Center? The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan organization that performs public opinion research on a variety of current issues.

While the news stories can provide basic information about their findings, you will find an even deeper level of information if you visit their website directly!

The website is organized into 7 major topics (US Politics, Media & News, Social Trends, Religion, Internet & Tech, Hispanics, and Global), and each of those can be narrowed down to more specific topics.

When reviewing one of their research reports, be sure to check the page for links to supporting information such as a PDF version of the "Complete Report".  The complete reports can go into much more detail about the research and findings.

The major topic pages also provide access to information such as data sets, interactive pages, and infographics.

In addition to their own research, the Center also occasionally reports on other related (and often fun and interesting) research.  Are you curious about which presidents were considered the most and least narcissistic?  Take a look at this report!

Consider reviewing this site if any of those major topics fits your own research interests.  Are you not sure about a topic to research for your paper?  In that case, consider browsing the site for some ideas on trending topic!

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