Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Books Available to Support the New B.S. Degree in Secure Computing and Information Assurance

The library currently houses books in support of the new Bachelor of Science Degree in Secure Computing and Information Assurance.  A list of some of the resources available in the library are provided below.

  •  Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers, and the Internet
    • Author: Eoghan Casey
    • Year Published: 2011
    • Location: Stacks 4th floor
    • Call Number: HV6773.C35 C35 2011
  •  Critical Incident Management: A Complete Response Guide
    • Author: Vincent Faggiano, John McNall and Tom Gillespie
    • Year Published: 2012
    • Location: Stacks 4th floor
    • Call Number: HD58.9 .F334 2012
  • System Forensics, Investigation and Response
    • Authors: John R. Vacca and K. Rudolph
    • Year Published: 2011
    • Location: Stacks 4th floor
    • Call Number: HV8079.C65 V32 2011
  •  Security and Game Theory: Algorithms, Deployed Systems, Lessons Learned
    • Author: Milind Tambe
    • Year Published: 2012
  • The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of Infosec in Theory and Practice
    • Author: Jason Andress
    • Year Published: 2011
  • Encryption for Digital Content
    • Authors: Aggelos Kiayias and Serdar Pehlivanoglu
    • Year Published: 2010
To find out more information about accessing e-books, see our past blog post at:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Hours @ the Ort Library

Summer hours have started at the Ort Library!  The library's summer hours are:

May 21 through August 10

Monday - Thursday:     7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Friday:     7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday:     Closed

Sunday:     1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 

For information on exceptions to the schedule, click here.

Monday, May 7, 2012

WikiLit: About Wikipedia

Loyal Reader, it's the beginning of another week and time for a new Featured Online Resource is WikiLit, a wiki style bibliography of scholarly work on the ever-contentious web site Wikipedia. This great site sprang up not a moment too soon.  A couple of years ago, I posted my own bibliography and was going to update it. But why should I do the work of a whole team?
WikiLit gives citations and abstracts for more than 300 peer-reviewed articles and about 30 dissertations. They have given just abstracts for 1,500 dissertations. Nicely organized, the wiki breaks articles, in Wikimedia fashion, into categories, listing the number of entries for each.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Extended Library Hours at Semester End!

The Ort Library is open extra late each night (often until 2 AM) through May 17 as a place to finish up class projects and study for final exams!

Extended Hours for Last Week of Classes and Exam Week
May 4
7:30 AM- 12 Midnight
May 5
11 AM- 12 Midnight
May 6
1 PM- 2 AM
Mon.- Thurs.
May 7- 10
7 AM- 2 AM
May 11
7AM- 12 Midnight
May 12
 9 AM- 12 Midnight
May 13
 10 AM- 2 AM
Mon.- Thurs.
May 14- 17
 7 AM- 2 AM
May 18
 7:30 AM- 5 PM

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Library Group Study: Get a Room!

In these last days of spring classes, a lot of students are finalizing group projects and huddling together around library computers, but did you know that the library has five group study rooms that can accommodate three or more persons working together? Each room is equipped with an up-to-date and online computer, Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010, a 28" monitor, networked printing capabilities, and tables and chairs. Your study group can pick up a room key from the library checkout desk and use the room for up to two hours.

Additionally, on the top floor of the library, there are three semi-private partitioned areas for group study with the same computer setup. Find out all the details about library group study!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reference Assistance at 2 am? Look to Maryland AskUsNow!

As we get closer to the end of the semester, the library wants to remind you of one of the services that we offer, Maryland AskUsNow! – our 24/7 chat reference service.  To highlight the service, the library has put together a display, on the 3rd floor, with information about Maryland AskUsNow!

Imagine this:
It is 2 am and you are working on a paper that is due at 8 am.  You need to find additional references for your paper and you are not sure where to look and need some help.  The library is closed, so what can you do to get some help?

You can use Maryland AskUsNow!  It is your access to 24/7 reference assistance.  You can access it from the link on the library’s homepage.  Once you click on the link, you can ask your question and be chatting with a librarian in no time.  

The librarians will be able to provide information on how to find information you need and perhaps even work with you on what search terms will bring the best results.  No question is too tough!

Here are some sample questions that have been asked:
  • Where in my online library database can I find information on the labor and facts of people who work in slaughter houses? 
  •  What was the impact of World War II on the Middle East?
  • I’m looking for sources for my research paper on how food waste impacts businesses.
We encourage you to try out the service yourself.  Stop by and see the display on the 3rd floor of the library!

Good luck with your exams!