Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jaimy Gordon Heads Up National Book Award Winners

Jaimy Gordon's Lord of Misrule takes prize for fiction.

At Cipriani Wall Street in New York City, the National Book Awards were sprinkled upon the delighted recipients last night, including Jaimy Gordon, a professor at Western Michigan University, for her independently-published novel Lord of Misrule.

Other winners:

Poetry: Lighthead, Terrance Hayes, Penguin Books

Nonfiction: Patti Smith, Just Kids, Ecco

Young People's Literature: Kathryn Erskine, Mockingbrid, Philomel
Lord of Misrule is set at a West Virginia horse-racing track in the early 1970s. Newcomer Tommy Hansel attempts to win some quick cash with a few of his ponies and get out, but becomes entangled with local gangsters.
The book was hurried into publication by Bruce McPherson, owner and editor McPherson & Co., who wanted to nominate it for the NBA. Two days after making final corrections, Gordon learned that an earlier draft of the manuscript had won the nomination.
Please do not confuse the novel with Rachel Caine's vampire adventure of the same title: it did not win the national book award.

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