The Lewis J. Ort
Library would like to introduce a new resource for students who are in
online only programs (distance students). A new guide has been created to
provide one place for online students to find information about accessing the
Even though students
may not be able to physically come to the library, we want everyone to know
that the Ort Library is still available by providing access to resources and
services students will need to complete their studies. The library provides
resources and services that distance students can access from anywhere that
works best for them.
Students who attend at a distance can access:
and Subject Specific Databases
Online Periodicals
(scholarly/peer-reviewed, popular magazines, newspapers)
Online Encyclopedias (Credo Reference
and Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Interlibrary Loan
Reference and Research Assistance
(phone, e-mail, 24/7 chat, in-person)
This guide can also be used for anyone who works from off-campus.
It provides information on how to access resources and services from
off-campus, including how to log into OneSearch
and other databases with your 14 digit barcode.
The guide can be found at the following link:
You can also access the guide from the library’s home page. The link
for this new guide is under the Quick Links section of the home page, under the
link Distance Ed Students.
If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Mastrodonato ( or
301-687-4425) or the Reference Desk (
or 301-687-4424).