Monday, September 23, 2013

Library Highlights: Finding a Specific Article in the Library

Imagine this scenario:

You have an article that you read about and would like to use it in an assignment but you don’t know if the library has the article. This posting will explain how to determine if a specific article is available in the library.

For this example, I want to find out if the library has the following article:
Ritter, F., Fiebig, M., & Muhar, A. (2012). Impacts of global warming on mountaineering: A classification of phenomena affecting the Alpine Trail Network. Mountain Research & Development, 32(1), 4-15. doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-11-00036.1

To find a specific article:

  • Go to the library’s home page (
  • Click on the Journals A-Z Tab (in the center of the screen)
  • Click on the Online Journals link
  • On the right hand side of the screen, you will see the following:
  • Type in as much about the article as you know (you must at least enter the journal name).
  • In this example, I can put in the article title, journal name, year, volume, and issue number. I can also put in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number to find the article as well.
  • If I put in the DOI number and then select Find Article, I get the following screen.
  • I can click on any of the links to access the article electronically.
  • For this example, I will click on Read full text at EBSCOhost Environment Complete.
  • When I do that I get information about the article and on the left hand side of the screen is the PDF link for the full text of the article.
      If the article is not available in the library, you would get the following screen. You would then need to order the item through Interlibrary Loan by clicking on the link Request from Interlibrary Loan.
      If you need additional assistance with finding an article, please stop by the Reference Desk in person, call us (301-687-4424) or e-mail us at

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Celebrate Constitution Day! (Sept 17, 2013)

Today marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution (Sept. 17, 1787).

Every year on this date, we commemorate this occasion and honor the Founding Fathers who signed this important document by celebrating Constitution Day!

You may learn more about the Constitution by visiting the Constitution Day display located on the 5th floor of the library.

Also, visit our library guide at to locate additional library and online resources, including videos, about the Constitution and Constitution Day.  Find entertaining games and videos help you test your own knowledge and learn even more about the Constitution!

Happy Constitution Day!

(Images courtesy of Web site)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Individual Study Rooms Available on the 5th Floor of the Ort Library

The Ort Library is pleased to announce that four (4) individual study rooms are available for student use on the 5th floor of the library. These rooms are always unlocked and you do not need a key to access them.  The individual study rooms can be found at the end of the floor closest to the Chesapeake Dining Hall. If you take the elevator to the 5th floor, go to the left as you get off the elevator and they will be at the end of the stacks. The rooms that are available for use are 514(A), 515, 519(G), and 522(C).

If you have any questions about the individual study room uses, please see a librarian at the Reference Desk.

Additionally, if you find one of the rooms locked, please stop by the Circulation or Reference Desk to advise a library staff member, so that we can unlock the room.



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Featured Online Resource:

October 1, 2013 is an important date for individuals and families in need of affordable health insurance.  This is the date Open Enrollment begins for the Health Insurance Marketplace, as mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare").

The Federal government has created help citizens understand more about the law and steps that can be taken to sign up for affordable health insurance.

This does depend on the state that you live in.  Some states, such as Maryland have created their own web sites for open enrollment.  Maryland's web site is called Maryland Health Connection).  Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia do not have their own open enrollment marketplace, and so residents of these states would use  To learn about marketplaces for other states, check this link.

Even if you will not be signing up for health insurance, the web site has additional information about the law and how it has affected health care and health insurance.  Please take the time to brush up on your health care options, and share this information with family and friends.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Four New Library Displays for September

The Ort Library is pleased to present four new displays for September.

The first display, located on the 3rd floor (under the electronic display) highlights the Ort Library’s Food Policy. The Ort Library allows snacks and beverages in closed containers. Appropriate snack foods include chips, pretzels, apples, candy bars, and other snack foods. Fast food items (such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell) and pizza are not allowed in the library. If you have questions, please ask at the Reference Desk or Circulation Desk. You can also find the Library’s Food Policy on the Code of Conduct Bookmark.

The second display, also located on the 3rd floor (by the main entrance) celebrates the life of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur is most known for the process of pasteurization, which is the process of heating and then cooling beverages (notably milk) to kill the bacteria found in raw milk. He was also well known for his development of the vaccine for rabies.

The third display, also located on the 3rd floor (located between the 4 stand-up PCs), celebrates Maryland’s Lighthouses.  The display highlights the history lighthouses and also provides information on several of the lighthouses still found around the Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River.

The last display, located on the 5th floor, highlights this year’s Constitution Day theme: “Life, Liberty, Freedom, Prosperity”. This display provides several maps showing the United States, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania as they were when the Constitution was ratified in 1787.

The displays will be up through the end of September.

If you have any questions about the displays, please contact Theresa Mastrodonato at ext. 4425 or or MaryJo Price at ext. 4889 or